If you are looking for "exterior painters near me" you have come to the right place for the top home painting services in Highlands Ranch. We offer many exterior painting services and want to provide you with an idea of how we work. If you need interior painting, we can handle that too. Curb appeal is everything and you never get a second chance to make a first impression. If you are looking for an exterior painting company that will help you show off your home, give Paint Wise Painting a call.
Just like the interior of your home, we have to concentrate on prepping the exterior of your home for paint as well. That comes with a lot of planning. We walk around the outside with you can come up with a plan on what needs to be done.
Our house painters pay close attention to power washing, scraping, and patching work that will ensure a high-quality result.
We only use the best exterior paint. We are also careful in taping off important areas that should not have paint included.
You deserve to know the cost of your exterior painting project with complete confidence. Some house painting companies offer only a very rough estimate, leaving the total cost of supplies and the true cost of labor a mystery until the job is done.
The biggest overlooked variables in the exterior paint world is how well the house is sealed and how thick the paint is applied.
Homeowners need to know that paint can be misted on the house with a fine finish or small tip in a single coat. It could look normal to the average person. Upon closer inspection (or even under a microscope) the bottoms of the slats or insides of grooves are not sealed. This thin coat will loose its moisture (elasticity), become brittle, then it’s all down hill from there if we weren’t already on the slippery slope to begin with.
Spraying a house generously, rolling it in with a roller and spraying another generous coat is the only way to go if you want longevity. It will take 2+ times the amount of paint and 2+ times the labor on average over a hasty job.
You are encouraged to walk around with us as an extra set of eyes and help spot any imperfections. There is only “perceived perfection” when performing a “craft” so, this is part of the process. Sometimes we completely knock it out of the park on the first swing.
We'll be honored to have the opportunity to paint the exterior of your house, so you can count on us to be clean and professional. We conduct a full clean-up quickly after finishing the project.
If you need painting Highlands Ranch Co, then contact us today! We can give you a free estimate on the exterior painting of your home or business.
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Painting Highlands Ranch
9304 Montrose Way, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126
(720) 637-2554
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